Sunday, January 29, 2012

Continuing With the Truth

I do feel reluctant to write when things aren't going perfectly. 

Remember Dr. Atkins and all those rumors that were floating around about how he weighed rather a lot toward the end of his life? Did that reflect on how his methods worked of failed? Would it make him less of a diet guru if the rumors turned out to be true? The real question should be: did you ever lose weight using his ideas?

What would happen if Valerie Bertinelli were to pack on the pounds again? Would that mean that the Jenny Craig diet didn't work? Not really. 

Jennifer Hudson is now in the spotlight for Weight Watchers. She's beautiful now, and she was beautiful before she lost the weight. However, she has a new book to promote, and she's the spokesperson for WW, so for the time being she really has no choice but to stay on track. Kind of a lot of pressure don't'cha think? But one might say  being under pressure might be a good thing when it comes to this subject... One might, but all I can say is that in real life we are all pressured in one way or another, and sometimes let's face it, we do not live up to how we think things should be. I wish the very best for both of these women - they've done the work and they deserve the credit.

And then, there's me... not a celeb but I am the guy who said that I could do it without paying money to do it, and here I am having to tell you that I've gained almost pounds back.! "TEN POUNDS?" you scream! 

Hey, I said almost, didn't I? Don't exaggerate, okay?

Anyway, I said it. Here's the truth - I weigh more now than I did when I finished the book. 

Oh the horror! 

For more than a year I maintained my weight but then I gained those pounds over Christmas. Up until this moment I haven't focused on taking them off. But then yesterday I noticed that my pants were fitting just a bit tighter. Since I don't like that feeling I'm now doing something about it. Am I signing up for instruction from someone smarter or more knowledgeable about how to lose weight than I could possibly understand all on my own? Will I be spending money to really understand how to do it. Puh-leaze! You've read the book right?:-)

Over the next few weeks I'll be going through the process all over again here in the blog - in real time. Today I weigh 187. (That's right - when I was writing the book I said I'd be taking off 50 pounds, but I never got that far. When I'd lost 30 I decided that I was fine with that. We'll see how far I go this time.

I do want to be clear about this. Losing weight is not a matter of taking it off and then everything is perfect, is it. For those of us dealing with it, it is a lifelong process. Sometimes we have everything under control, and sometimes we pay no attention and end up with more pounds than we want. The trick, as I see it, is to accept ourselves for what and who we are. When we gain some weight that we do not want - we have the ability to take it off. All we need are the right tools, and - the desire.

This is the new day #1 


  1. Weight loss is easy and effective when it taken with care and right way. Information make it perfect to make attractive changes of health and life.
    fat transfer

  2. I'm glad you are a real person with real struggle rather than a perfect person with a story tale life. I suport you!!!! Oh and thanks so much for all the heavy lifting :)

  3. reiidlynch - I just checked out the link you popsted in your comment and I want you to know that I anm 100% against taking such measures unless there is some soprt of medical necissity and nothing else, including the information in my book, works.

    Also, a surgical method is not a pathway to taking any personal responsibility, is it?

    I have decided to leave your comment and the link up on this blog in spite of my disagreement with it... Everyone has the right to choose.

  4. One Day at a Time is Fast enough - Thanks so much for your support and your comment. Please know that you have my support as well. As for the heavy lifting - really, the pleasure is all mine.)

    We're in it - together,

